lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 41 pi lipu Nasin Pona
上士闻道 | When superior students hear of the Way | |
勤而行之 | They strive to practice it. | |
中士闻道 | When middling students hear of the Way | |
若存若亡 | They sometimes keep it and sometimes lose it. | |
下士闻道 | When inferior students hear of the Way | |
大笑之 | They have a big laugh. | |
不笑不足以为道 |
But “not laughing” in itself is not sufficient to be called the Way, and therefore it is said: | |
明道若昧 | The sparkling Way seems dark | |
进道若退 | Advancing in the Way seems like regression. | |
夷道若纇 | Settling into the Way seems rough. | |
上德若谷 | True virtue is like a valley. | |
太白若辱 | The immaculate seems humble. | |
广德若不足 | Extensive virtue seems insufficient. | |
建德若偷 | Established virtue seems deceptive. | |
质真若渝 | The face of reality seems to change. | |
大方无隅 | The great square has no corners. | |
大器晚成 | Great ability takes a long time to perfect. | |
大音希声 | Great sound is hard to hear. | |
大象无形 | The great form has no shape. | |
道隐无名 | The Way is hidden and nameless. | |
夫唯道 |
This is exactly why the Way is good at developing and perfecting. |