lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 52 pi lipu Nasin Pona
天下有始 |
All things have a beginning, which we can regard as their Mother. | |
既知其母 |
Knowing the mother, we can know its children. | |
既知其子 |
Knowing the children, yet still cleaving to the mother | |
没其不殆 | You can die without pain. | |
塞其兑 | Stop up the holes | |
闭其门 | Shut the doors, | |
终身不勤 | You can finish your life without anxiety. | |
开其兑 | Open the doors, | |
济其事 | Increase your involvements, | |
终身不救 | In the end you can’t be helped. | |
见小曰明 | Seeing the subtle is called illumination. | |
守柔曰强 | Keeping flexible is called strength. | |
用其光 |
Use the illumination, but return to the light. | |
无遗身殃 | Don’t bring harm to yourself. | |
是为习常 | This is called “practicing the eternal.” |