lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 55 pi lipu Nasin Pona
含德之厚 | ona pi wawa pona… | One who remains rich in virtuous power |
比于赤子 | li sama e jan lili sin. | Is like a newborn baby. |
蜂虿虺蛇不螫 | Bees, scorpions and venomous snakes do not bite it, | |
猛兽不据 | The wild beasts do not attack it, | |
攫鸟不搏 | Birds of prey do not sink their claws into it. | |
骨弱 | Though its [the infant’s] bones are weak | |
筋柔 | And muscles soft, | |
而握固 | Its grip is strong. | |
未知牝牡之 | ona li mije li meli li tonsi la, jan li sona ala. | Without knowing of the blending of male and female |
合而全作 | taso ona li ken pali ale. | S/he is a perfect production, |
精之至也 | The ultimate in vitality. | |
终日号而不嗄 | S/he cries all day without getting hoarse. | |
和之至也 | S/he is the ultimate in harmony. | |
知和曰常 | Understanding harmony is called the Constant. | |
知常曰明 | Knowing the Constant is called illumination. | |
益生曰祥 | Nourishing life is called blessing. | |
心使气曰强 | Having control of your breath is called strength. | |
物壮则老 | After things blossom they decay, and | |
谓之不道 | This is called the non-Way. | |
不道早已 | The non-Way expires quickly. |