lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 57 pi lipu Nasin Pona
以正治国 | Use fairness in governing the state. | |
以奇用兵 | Use surprise tactics in war. | |
以无事取天下 | Be unconcerned and you will have the world. | |
吾何以 |
How do I know it is like this? | |
以此 | Because: | |
天下多忌讳 | The more regulations there are, | |
而民弥贫 | The poorer people become. | |
民多利器 | The more people own lethal weapons, | |
国家滋昏 | The more darkened are the country and clans. | |
人多伎巧 | The more clever the people are, | |
奇物滋起 | The more extraordinary actions they take. | |
法令滋彰 | The more picky the laws are, | |
盗贼多有 | The more thieves and gangsters there are. | |
故圣人云 | Therefore the sages say: | |
我无为 |
I do not force my way and the people transform themselves. | |
我好静 |
I enjoy my serenity and the people correct themselves. | |
我无事 |
I do not interfere and the people enrich themselves. | |
我无欲 |
I have no desires And the people find their original mind. |