lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 60 pi lipu Nasin Pona
治大国若烹小鲜 | Governing a large country is like cooking a small fish. 1 | |
以道莅天下 | When you govern people with the Way | |
其鬼不神 | Unhappy ghosts2 will have no power3. | |
非其鬼不神 | Not that they don’t have power, | |
其神不伤人 | But their power will not harm people. | |
非其神不伤人 | Not only does their power not harm people: | |
圣人亦不伤人 | The sage also doesn’t harm people, | |
夫两不相伤 | Since the two do not harm each other. | |
故德交归焉 | Their virtue converges. 4 |
Sitelen Sitelen Renderer by Olaf Janssen.
[Muller:] “A small fish can be cooked without a great deal of preparation, cleaning, spicing, etc. Ruling with the Dao means ruling without interfering.” ↩
[Muller:] “Spirits of people who died early, in some unfortunate way, or without descendants, who mingle in the world and plague people.” ↩
[Muller:] “Translated elsewhere as “numinousity,” “spiritual power,” etc.” ↩
[Muller:] “The interpretation of this final line varies widely among translators; we decided to try to remain terse and close to the literal meaning here.” ↩