lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 63 pi lipu Nasin Pona
为无为 | Do without “doing.” | |
事无事 | Get involved without manipulating. | |
味无味 | Taste without tasting. | |
大小 | Make the great small, | |
多少 | The many, few. | |
报怨以德 | Respond to anger with virtue. | |
图难于其易 | Deal with difficulties while they are still easy. | |
为大于其细 | Handle the great while it is still small. | |
天下难事 | The difficult problems in life | |
必作于易 | Always start off being simple. | |
天下大事 |
Great affairs always start off being small. | |
是以圣人 |
Therefore the sage never deals with the great | |
故能成其大 | And is able to actualize his greatness. | |
夫轻诺必寡信 | Now light words generate little belief, | |
多易必多难 | Much ease turns into much difficulty. | |
是以圣人 |
Therefore the sage treats things as though they were difficult, | |
故终无难矣 | And hence, never has difficulty. |