lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 72 pi lipu Nasin Pona
民不畏威 | When the people do not fear your might | |
则大威至 | Then your might has truly become great. | |
无狎其所居 | Don’t interfere with their household affairs. | |
无厌其所生 | Don’t oppress their livelihood. | |
夫唯不厌 |
If you don’t oppress them they won’t feel oppressed. | |
是以圣人 |
Thus the sage understands herself | |
不自见 | But does not show herself. | |
自爱 | Loves herself | |
不自贵 | But does not prize herself. | |
故去彼 | Therefore she lets go of that | |
取此 | And takes this. |