lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 74 pi lipu Nasin Pona
民不畏死 | If the people don’t fear death | |
奈何以死惧之 | How will you scare them with death? | |
若使民常畏死 | If you make the people continuously fear death | |
而为奇者 | By seizing anybody who does something out of the ordinary | |
吾得执而杀之 | And killing them, | |
孰敢 | Who will dare to move? | |
常有司杀者杀 | There is always an official executioner to handle this. | |
夫司杀者 | If you play the role of the official executioner | |
是大匠斫 |
It is like cutting wood in the capacity of Master Carpenter. | |
希有不伤其手矣 | There are few who will not cut their hands. |