wawa suli
lipu Nasin la: kasi nanpa 21 pi lipu Nasin Pona
孔德之容 |
The form of great virtue is something that only the Way can follow. | |
道之为物 |
The Way as a “thing” is only vague and obscure. | |
忽兮恍兮 |
How obscure! How vague! In it there is form. | |
恍兮忽兮 |
How vague! How obscure! In it are things. | |
窈兮冥兮 |
How deep! How dark! In it there is an essence. | |
其精甚真 |
The essence is so real— therein is belief. | |
自古及今 |
From the present to antiquity, its name has never left it, so we can examine all origins. | |
吾何以知众甫之状哉 | How do I know the form of all origins? | |
以此 | By this. |