lipu Nasin la: kasi nanpa 25 pi lipu Nasin Pona
有物混成 | There is something that is perfect in its disorder | |
先天地生 | Which is born before Heaven and Earth. | |
寂兮寥兮 |
So silent and desolate! It establishes itself without renewal. | |
周行而不殆 | Functions universally without lapse. | |
可以为天下母 | We can regard it as the Mother of Everything. | |
吾不知其名 | I don’t know its name. | |
字之曰道 | Hence, when forced to name it, I call it “Way.” | |
强为之名曰大 | When forced to categorize it, I call it “great.” | |
大曰逝 | Greatness entails transcendence. | |
逝曰远 | Transcendence entails going-far. | |
远曰反 | Going-far entails return. | |
故道大 |
Hence, the Way is great, Heaven is great, the Earth is great | |
王亦大 | And the human is also great. | |
域中有四大 |
Within our realm there are four greatnesses and the human being is one of them. | |
人法地 | Human beings follow the Earth. | |
地法天 | Earth follows Heaven | |
天法道 | Heaven follows the Way | |
道法自然 | The Way follows things as they are. |