lipu Nasin la: kasi nanpa 26 pi lipu Nasin Pona
重为轻根 | Heaviness is the root of lightness. | |
静为躁君 | Composure is the ruler of instability. | |
是以圣人 |
Therefore the sage travels all day | |
不离辎重 | Without putting down his heavy load. | |
虽有荣观 | Though there may be spectacles to see | |
燕处超然 | He easily passes them by. | |
奈何 | This being so | |
万乘之主 | How could the ruler of a large state | |
而以身轻天下 | Be so concerned with himself as to ignore the people? | |
轻则失本 | If you take them lightly you will lose your roots. | |
躁则失君 | If you are unstable, you will lose your rulership. |