lipu Nasin la: kasi nanpa 31 pi lipu Nasin Pona
夫佳兵者 |
Sharp weapons are inauspicious instruments. | |
物或恶之 | Everyone hates them. | |
故有道者不处 | Therefore the man of the Way is not comfortable with them. | |
君子居则贵左 | In the domestic affairs of the gentleman | |
用兵则贵右 | The left is the position of honor. | |
兵者不祥之器 | In military affairs the right is the position of honor. | |
非君子之器 | Since weapons are inauspicious instruments, they are not the instruments of the gentleman | |
不得已而用之 | So he uses them without enjoyment | |
恬淡为上 | And values plainness. | |
胜而不美 | Victory is never sweet. | |
而美之者 | Those for whom victory is sweet | |
是乐杀人 | Are those who enjoy killing. | |
夫乐杀人者 | If you enjoy killing, | |
则不可以 |
[Y]ou cannot gain the trust of the people. | |
吉事尚左 | On auspicious occasions the place of honor is on the left. | |
凶事尚右 | On inauspicious occasions the place of honor is on the right. | |
偏将军居左 | The lieutenant commander stands on the left. | |
上将军居右 | The commander-in-chief stands on the right. | |
言以丧礼处之 | And they speak, using the funerary rites to bury them. | |
杀人之众 | The common people, from whom all the dead have come | |
以哀悲泣之 | Weep in lamentation. | |
战胜以丧礼处之 | The victors bury them with funerary rites. |