lipu Nasin la: kasi nanpa 37 pi lipu Nasin Pona
道常无为 | The Way is always “not-doing” | |
而无不为 | Yet there is nothing it doesn’t do. | |
侯王若能守之 | If the rulers are were able to embody it | |
万物将自化 | Everyone will naturally be changed. | |
化而欲作 | Being changed, they desire to do things. | |
吾将镇 |
So I must restrain them, using the nameless “uncarved block.” | |
无名之朴 | Using the nameless uncarved block | |
夫亦将无欲 | They become desireless. | |
不欲以静 | Desireless, they are tranquil and | |
天下将自定 | All-under-Heaven is naturally settled. |