lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 53 pi lipu Nasin Pona
使我介然有知 | If I had just a little bit of wisdom | |
行于大道 |
I should walk the Great Path and fear only straying from it. | |
大道甚夷 | Though the Way is quite broad | |
而民好径 | People love shortcuts. | |
朝甚除 | The court is immaculate, | |
田甚芜 | While the fields are overgrown with weeds, | |
仓甚虚 | And the granaries are empty. | |
服文彩 | They wear silk finery, | |
带利剑 | Carry sharp swords, | |
厌饮食 | Sate themselves on food and drink | |
财货有馀 | Having wealth in excess. | |
是谓盗夸 | They are called thieving braggarts. | |
非道也哉 | This is definitely not the Way. |