lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 54 pi lipu Nasin Pona
善建不拔 | The well-established cannot be uprooted. | |
善抱者不脱 | The well-grasped does not slip away. | |
子孙以祭祀不辍 | Generation after generation carries out the ancestor worship without break. | |
修之于身 |
Cultivate it in yourself and virtue will be real. | |
修之于家 |
Cultivate it in the family and virtue will overflow. | |
修之于乡 |
Cultivate it in the town and virtue will be great. | |
修之于国 |
Cultivate it in the country and virtue will abundant. | |
修之于天下 |
Cultivate it in the world and virtue will be everywhere. | |
故以身观身 | Therefore, take yourself and observe yourself. | |
以家观家 | Take the family and observe the family. | |
以乡观乡 | Take the town and observe the town. | |
以国观国 | Take the country and observe the country. | |
以天下观天下 | Take the world and observe the world. | |
吾何以知天下然哉 | seme la, mi sona e ijo ale? | How do I know the world as it is? |
以此 | tan ni. | By this. |