lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 56 pi lipu Nasin Pona
知者不言 | jan sona li toki ala. | One who knows does not speak. |
言者不知 | jan toki li sona ala. | One who speaks does not know. |
塞其兑 |
o pini e lupa. | Close your holes, shut your doors, |
挫其锐 |
Soften your sharpness, loosen your knots. | |
和其光 |
Soften your glare and merge with the everyday. | |
是谓玄同 | This is called mysteriously attaining oneness. | |
不可得而疏 | Though you cannot possess it, you are intimate with it And at the same time, distant. |
不可得而利 | Though you cannot possess it, you are benefitted by it, | |
不可得而害 | And [though you cannot possess it, you are] harmed by it. | |
不可得而贵 | You cannot possess it, but are esteemed through it | |
不可得而贱 | And [though you cannot possess it, you are] humbled by it. | |
故为天下贵 | Therefore the world values you. |