lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 62 pi lipu Nasin Pona
道者万物之奥 | The Way is hidden deeply in all things. | |
善人之宝 | It is the treasure of the good | |
不善人之所保 | And the refuge of the not-so-good. | |
美言可以市 | With skillful words you can be successful. | |
尊行可以加人 | With honorable actions you can be included. | |
人之不善 |
People may not be so good, but how can you deny them? | |
故立天子 |
Therefore, even though there are great jewels brought in by teams of horses at the coronation of the emperor and the installation of the three princes, | |
不如坐 | This is not as good as staying where you are | |
进此道 | And advancing in this Way. | |
古之所以贵此道者何 | Why did the ancients so value the Way? | |
不曰 |
You can’t say that it was for seeking gain | |
有罪以免耶 | Or to have punishments to deter crime. | |
故为天下贵 | Therefore it is the most prized in the world. |