lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 66 pi lipu Nasin Pona
江海所以能 | The reason the river and sea can be regarded as | |
为百谷王者 | The rulers of all the valley streams | |
以其善下之 | Is because of their being below them. | |
故能 |
Therefore they can be their rulers. | |
是以 |
So if you want to be over people | |
必以言下之 | You must speak humbly to them. | |
欲先民 | If you want to lead them | |
必以身后之 | You must place yourself behind them. | |
是以 |
Thus the sage is positioned above | |
而民不重 | And the people do not feel oppressed. | |
处前 |
He is in front and they feel nothing wrong. | |
是以 |
Therefore they like to push him front and never resent him. | |
以其不争 | Since he does not contend | |
故天下 |
No one can contend with him. |