lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 69 pi lipu Nasin Pona
用兵有言 | Strategists have a saying: | |
吾 |
I prefer to be able to move, rather than be in a fixed position | |
不敢进寸 |
I prefer to retreat a foot rather than advancing an inch. | |
是谓 |
This is called progress without advancing; | |
攘无臂 | Preparing without showing off; | |
扔无敌 | Smashing where there is no defense; | |
执无兵 | Taking him without a fight. | |
祸莫大 |
There is no greater danger than under-estimating your opponent. | |
轻敌几 | If I under-estimate my opponent | |
丧吾宝 | I will lose that which is most dear. | |
故抗 | Therefore | |
兵相加 | When opponents clash | |
哀者胜矣 | The one who is sorry about it will be the winner. |