lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 70 pi lipu Nasin Pona
吾言甚易知 | toki mi la: jan ale li ken sona e ni, | My words are easy to understand |
甚易行 | …li ken pali e ni. | And easy to practice. |
天下莫能知 | taso jan ala li sona e ni, | Yet nobody understands them |
莫能行 | …li pali e ni. | [O]r practices them. |
言有宗 | toki li jo e tan. | My words have an origin; |
事有君 | pali li jo e kon. | My actions have a principle. |
夫唯无知 | It is only because of your not understanding this | |
是以不我知 | That you do not understand me. | |
知我者希 | Since there are few who understand me | |
则我者贵 | I am valued. | |
是以 |
Therefore the sage wears coarse clothes. | |
怀玉 | Yet hides a jewel in his bosom. |