lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 79 pi lipu Nasin Pona
和大怨 | After settling down for great anger | |
必有馀怨 | There are always resentments left over. | |
安可以为善 | How can this be considered as good? | |
是以圣人 |
Therefore the sage keeps her part of the deal1, | |
而不责于人 | And doesn’t badger the other party. | |
有德司契 | The virtuous ascertain the content of the contract itself; 2 | |
无德司彻 | Those without virtue are concerned about it’s being exacted. 2 | |
天道无亲 | The Heavenly Way has no favorites: | |
常与善人 | It always raises up the Good3. |
Sitelen Sitelen Renderer by Olaf Janssen.
Muller: “左契 literally means the “left side of the tally.” Ancient contracts in East Asia were made by writing the agreement on a wooden board that would be broken in half, and rematched when the contract had been fulfilled.” ↩
Muller: “The interpretation of 司契 and 司徹 here varies considerably among translators. We take it as one of the plethora of expressions of the pervasive notion of wu-wei in the Daodejing, which implies doing things by focusing on the content, and what one can actual do well, rather than on expectations of a rapid conclusion. Cf. the translations by D.C. Lau, Richard Llynn, Ellen Chen, John Wu, and others.” ↩ ↩2
Muller: “Cf. Analects 4:10: The Master said: “When the noble man deals with the world he is not prejudiced for or against anything. He does what is Right.” 子曰。君子之於天下也、無適也、無莫也、義之與比。” ↩