lipu Pona la: kasi nanpa 78 pi lipu Nasin Pona
天下莫柔弱于水 | Nothing in the world is softer than water, | |
而攻坚强者莫之能胜 | Yet nothing is better at overcoming the hard and strong. | |
其无以易之 | This is because nothing can alter it. | |
弱之胜强 | That the soft overcomes the hard | |
柔之胜刚 | And the gentle overcomes the aggressive | |
天下莫不知 | Is something that everybody knows | |
莫能行 | But none can do themselves. | |
是以圣人云 | Therefore the sages say: | |
受国之垢 | The one who accepts the dirt of the state | |
是谓社稷主 | Becomes its master. | |
受国不祥 | The one who accepts its calamity | |
是谓天下王 | Becomes king of the world. | |
正言若反 | Truth seems contradictory. |